How to Run A Business With Your Spouse. 4 Tips From an Entrepreneurial Power Couple.
My husband and I have worked together in many capacities over the years – as executives at the same company and as investors. When people discover that much of my career has been intertwined with my husband’s, their eyes widen. Especially considering we’re both very Type A. But while most people couldn’t imagine working with […]
How to Dismantle the Patriarchy as a Female Entrepreneur
Over the course of my career, I’ve worked in many male-dominated industries with well established Boys Clubs. Overcoming this institutionalized mindset is a challenge, and one of the biggest obstacles women continue to face in their careers. Now I won’t sugar coat it, in battling the Boys Club, I’ve certainly driven my fair share of […]
4 Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs. The last one may surprise you!
They’re Leaders, Not Just Managers: Your business needs a leader, not a manager. Managers are task focused – it’s all about executing and getting shit done. While this is a very important skill, every business also needs a leader. Leaders create strategy, empower people to make decisions and ultimately cultivate the leadership qualities in others. […]
Why Looking Your Best Still Matters in Business (even during a pandemic!)
I have often been told that I have a strong executive presence – some of this comes from the way I carry myself but much has to do with the way I dress. If you look professional, you feel professional. It helps to build confidence and it demands a level of respect from others. Because […]